Join us for Vacation Bible School, June 9th-13th, 2025 from 9am-noon!
Howdy, Partners! Dust off your boots, grab your bandana, and get ready for a rootin’ tootin’ time at Wonder Junction!
Join us as we gallop through the wonder-filled West, where we will learn about the grandest wonder of all – Jesus Christ.
Each day we’ll dig deeper into who this awe-inspiring Jesus is, answering questions such as:
• What amazing things happened surrounding Jesus’ birth?
• What was Jesus like as a child and teen?
• What wonders occurred during Jesus’ ministry years?
• How were Jesus’ death and resurrection like no other?
• What should we be doing as we wait for Jesus’ return?
Here’s where you come in! We need students to join us on this adventure and volunteers who will share sweet snacks, gallop with kids during games, share Bible stories, and get crafty with science and crafts - all for His glory!
Is there anything more important?
Please mark your calendars for Monday, June 9 – Friday June 13, 2025 from 9:00 – noon.
Our Wonder Junction Jamboree to celebrate the week, and especially our fathers, will be Sunday, June 15th !
For more information, please contact Sara Rowe (804) 677-6310
This year we are accepting students ages 4 years through 6th grade. (No nursery provided)
We can't wait to see you at VBS!