Palm Sunday Program

April 2, 2023 Series: Special Event/Seminar

Topic: Lent, Palm Sunday

DRAMA: Triumphant Octetal Procession - Children with Palms

SONG: They’ll Know We Are Christians - Dover Children

WELCOME: Linda Nuckols 

OFFERTORY CALL - Hardin Crowder

Jesus taught his disciples, "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” As Christians, we do not see giving as an obligation but as an act of worship to the Lord. If we are giving merely out of obligation, we are missing out on the great joy of being a cheerful giver. As the Apostle Paul wrote to the church in Corinth, “Don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. “For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.” And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others.” (2 Corinthians 9:6b-8). Let us prepare our hearts to give a portion of our blessings back to God with a heart of thanksgiving. 

SONG: Give Thanks - Offertory 

**Ushers Collect Offering**

DRAMA: The Bleeding Woman - Juli Crowder 

I will never forget the day Jesus came through town. We had all heard the stories of the miraculous signs and wonders he performed in Galilee, Cana, and even Samaria. For twelve years, I had suffered from a hemorrhage in my womb. The bleeding kept me in a never-ending cycle of pain and ritual impurity under the Law. I had suffered under many doctors, but my bleeding only grew worse. Though I prayed for deliverance all these years, my prayers seemed to go unanswered. I knew people were saying that God had cursed me, that this was the punishment I deserved for my sins. But I also heard that Jesus was a friend of sinners who turned no one away. I knew that if I could get close enough to speak to Jesus, he would be able to heal me and make me clean again. But from the moment Jesus arrived, the crowds were flocking to him. Before I could get close enough to speak, Jarius, a synagogue leader, had already called him away. I saw Jesus rushing off and wanted to cry out to him, but who was I to make a demand on Jesus’ time? Why would Jesus delay for a woman like me? 

Still, I could not let him go. I pushed my way through the crowd, knowing I could be made well if I could get close enough. Stretching out my arm as far as I could, I was able to brush the hem of his cloak. In an instant I felt my hemorrhaging stop. I felt whole in a way I had not felt in twelve years. Then Jesus stopped. He looked back and asked, “Who touched me?” I do not know how he knew, but I knew hiding was useless. In fear and trembling, I stepped forward. Kneeling before him, I confessed that, though I was unclean, I had touched him. Under the Law, I had made him unclean, but he had somehow reversed the Law. I had not made him unclean, instead he had made me clean! With love in his voice, he said before the crowd, “Daughter, your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed of your disease.” Jesus freed me from my impurity and made me whole. He took my shame and replaced it with blessing. As long as I live, I will never cease to tell the story of the day I reached out to my savior and was welcomed in with love. 


DRAMA: The Twelve - Hardin Crowder

I remember the last night we spent with Jesus. For three years, I had journeyed with him. I was among the first he called back when I was just a fisherman in Galilee. If only I had the time, I could tell you story after story of the miraculous things we experienced during those years. All the while, Jesus told us about a kingdom he would usher in. While he didn’t say so publicly, I knew he had to be the Messiah - in fact, I was the first to recognize him as Messiah. That was all before Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on a colt, clearing the temple, and restoring true worship to Jerusalem. Now the secret was out, and we knew the kingdom would not be long in coming!

That last night together, we celebrated Passover. Just as God had used Moses to deliver our ancestors from Egypt, we knew God’s Messiah would soon deliver us from our enemies and reestablish a kingdom that would never end. When Jesus passed the bread, he did not do so, looking back to the days of Moses. Instead, he said, “This is my body, which is given for you. Eat  this in remembrance of me.” Then, taking the cup, he did not remind us of the blood of the covenant of Moses. Instead, He told us, “This cup that is poured out for you is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. I tell you I will not drink again of this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it new with you in my Father’s kingdom.”

We did not know it then, but Jesus was preparing us for a new and greater deliverance. God had used Moses to deliver our ancestors from slavery in Egypt, but Jesus was going to deliver us from the power of death and the penalty of sin. He would do so through a sacrifice far more significant than any sacrificial lamb. He would secure our salvation through his life, death, and resurrection! He would establish a never-ending kingdom in the hearts and souls of men! This kingdom would conquer the world, not with armies and instruments of war, but with the good news of salvation and the power of God’s Holy Spirit!

Today followers of Christ still observe this communion in grateful remembrance of our Lord and Savior. 

SONG: In Remembrance 

** Celebration of Communion **

DRAMA: Peter’s Denial - Hardin Crowder

Though I was the first to recognize Jesus as the Messiah, I still struggled to understand God’s plan. I saw Jesus do amazing things. He cast out demons, calmed raging storms, walked on water, and raised the dead to life. He taught us so many things about the Kingdom of God that he was going to usher in, and I knew he would bring this kingdom into reality. At the same time, Jesus would try to tell us things that made no sense. He talked about being betrayed and handed over to gentiles; he spoke of suffering, death, and taking up a cross. These are not things that should be on the mind of a conquering king, or so I thought. 

On the night we celebrated the Passover, Jesus told us that one of us would betray him. Not only that, but also each of us would abandon him in his hour of need. I was not ready to hear such things, and I protested, “Even if all the others leave you, I will never leave you.” I was the first disciple, and even if I had to die at his side, I was determined I would not abandon my Lord! Do you know what Jesus said to me? He told me that not only would I abandon him, but I would deny him three times this very night before the rooster crows twice. 

Before the night was through, Judas Iscariot turned Jesus over to the high priest, just as Jesus said. I tried to fight for Jesus, but he told me to lay down my sword because these things must take place. I still did not understand. I could not understand. Even though Judas had betrayed us, and even if the rest of the disciples fled in fear, I would not abandon my Lord! I was the first disciple and the most faithful, and I would prove my loyalty!

They took Jesus to the high priest's courtyard and began to make accusation after accusation against him. I wanted to speak up and defend him, but something held me back. I stood by the fire with the servants and guards, watching from a distance. Then this servant girl looked at me and said, “You also were with the Nazarene, Jesus.” I didn’t want my cover blown, so I pretended not to understand her. I said, “I neither know nor understand what you mean.” I wanted to hear what they said about Jesus, but this girl would not leave me alone. Again told one of the other servants, “This man is one of them.” I admit that I lied, I told them, “I do not know the man,” but it was too late. The servants and guards were now focused on me and said, “Certainly you too are one of them, for you are a Galilean, your accent betrays you.” Panicking, I swore before all that were within the sound of my voice, “I do not know this man of whom you speak.” Immediately, the rooster crowed. Jesus had been right. Not knowing what else to do, I left the courtyard and wept. 

Eventually, I would realize that at that moment, Jesus was standing in my place, even though I failed to take a stand for him. Even though I denied him, he never denied me. Though I was ashamed of him, he was never ashamed of me. While I feared for my life, he accepted his death out of love for me. 

SONG: Once To Every Man and Nation

DRAMA: Mary - Juli Crowder

Millions of people have come to know Jesus as their savior and Lord, but only I was privileged to know him as my son. I remember when the angel visited me and said that I would give birth to the Son of God and the Savior of the World. It was wonderful and terrifying all at the same time, especially for a young virgin, betrothed but still unwed. I was with Jesus on that first night in the manger and when he took his first steps. I was with him when he taught in the temple for the first time at only twelve years old. He was always so wise for his age. You may have heard that Jesus’ first miracle was turning water into wine at a wedding in Cana; well, that was my idea. Peter claims to have been the first to know that Jesus was the Messiah, but a mother knows these things. 

I was there when Jesus’ ministry began, and I was there when it was finished. I never felt more helpless than when I watched them nail him to that cross. If I could have traded places with him, I would have, but that was not God’s plan. I could not save him, but he saved me. I could not take his place, but he chose to take mine out of love for me. I want you to know that amid his suffering, he forgave those who persecuted him. Even as he died, he looked upon us with love. It took me so long to forgive those men who hurt my child - but not Jesus. My son forgave even as he bore their very sins upon his shoulders. I know it is common for children to want to grow up to be like their parents, but every day I pray that God would help me to be more like my son. 

SONG: Carry Him Gently 

DRAMA: The Onlookers - Hardin Crowder

It is hard to describe what it was like to see Jesus on the cross. Peter may have been the first disciple, but I was there when Peter was called. My brother James and I were a part of Jesus' inner circle and had been by his side through thick and thin. We used to argue about who was going to be the greatest in the kingdom that Jesus came to establish. Jesus didn't like those arguments. He always reminded us that the greatest in the kingdom are those who humble themselves in service. I  did not understand until I saw the Lord beaten and bloody on the cross. 

Jesus told us that his body would be broken and his blood would be shed for us, but seeing it unfold was too awful for words. All of his disciples fled after Jesus was arrested, myself included. I had not stood by his side until it was too late. What comfort could I give him now? His only mourners were me and a small handful of women, including his mother. Where were the rest of his followers? 

While he was dying for our sins, people were mocking his pain. Soldiers were gambling for his tunic while he was still breathing. The people taunted Jesus, saying, "If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!" They did not realize that he was not thinking about himself. He was thinking about us. He did not save himself because he knew what was required to save us from ourselves. Jesus chose the cross, but the grave would not hold him long. In three days, Jesus would return, for even death could not keep him in its grip.

SONG: Where You There?

DRAMA: Witnesses at The Empty Tomb - Juli Crowder

Jesus had died late on a Friday. We had to prepare him quickly to avoid burying him on the Sabbath. Thankfully a man named Joseph of Arimathea had donated a tomb because otherwise, we would have had no place to lay his body. Now it was early Sunday morning. The Sabbath had ended, and several women decided to gather some burial spices and finish applying them to the body of Christ.  

We were horrified to find that the tomb of our Lord had been robbed. The stone that sealed the entrance had been rolled away, and the body had been stolen. As we stood in the tomb wondering what to do, two men suddenly appeared before us. These were no ordinary men. They were angels clothed in dazzling robes. We were all terrified and not knowing what else to do, and we bowed with our faces to the ground. The men asked us, “Why are you looking among the dead for someone who is alive? He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead! Remember what he told you back in Galilee, that the Son of Man must be betrayed into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and that he would rise again on the third day.”

Suddenly it all made sense. It was as if a veil had been lifted from our eyes. The cross was not the end! It was only the beginning! Christ was alive! Sin and death had been defeated, and now the Kingdom of God would be ushered in. The world had changed overnight, and a new day had dawned on creation! We couldn’t wait to rush back and tell the disciples, and everyone else, the good news of what had just happened!

SONG: Morning Has Broken 

DRAMA: The Great Commission - Hardin Crowder 

Jesus appeared many times to many people after that first resurrection morning. He visited his disciples in the upper room, on the road to Emmaus, and even appeared to them on the beach one morning while they were out fishing. He forgave Peter for his denials and visited his disciple Tomas who was struggling with doubt about the good news of the resurrection. 

However, Jesus knew that he must ascend to heaven so that the Holy Spirit could descend upon his church. But before he departed, he gave his followers one last command. 

“I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

Today we continue in the kingdom-building mission that began all those centuries ago. To all parts of the world, we carry the good news of Jesus so that all might come to know that salvation has been won, and new life has begun!

SONG: Christ Is Risen 

Drama: Christians in a world of Chaos - Hardin Crowder

While the war has already been won through the resurrection of Christ, we know that there are still many battles left to be won. Let us be encouraged as we face new challenges every day that we belong to Christ. There is no sin or temptation that we cannot overcome, and there is no power in all of creation that can separate us from the love of God we have received in Christ Jesus, our Lord. 

As Jesus told his disciples: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid… In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”

Song: Prayer for Peace


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